VERSION - 1.1.1
Please make sure you have the latest version of Ghost before upgrading. This is required for the comments and search to work.
- Added Ghost Native Comments (docs).
- Added Ghost Native Search (docs).
- Added new setting for the subscribe list icons (docs).
- Added new settings for the Accent color and dark mode (docs).
- Added new settings for Instagram (docs).
- Dropdown menu support (docs).
- Ability to hide all the theme membership interface elements from the admin (docs)
- Automatic responsive tables. You no longer need to wrap tables in HTML element.
- General design and typography fixes/improvements
Changed Files
Big update. I suggest uploading the latest version instead of messing with files. Check the updating process first paragraph.
package.json default.hbs gulpfile.js post.hbs assets/js/app.js assets/js/app.min.js partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/header.hbs partials/hero.hbs partials/navigation.hbs partials/social-icons.hbs partials/subscribe-list.hbs /partials/comments/ (Copy all the `/partials/comments/` folder inside your /partials/ folder.) /locales/ (Copy all the `/locales/` folder and override your current theme one.) /assets/sass/ (Copy all the `/sass/` folder and override your current theme one.
New files
partials/logo.hbs partials/drop-down-js.hbs partials/dark-mode-accent-color.hbs
VERSION - 1.1.0
- Ghost 5.0 support
- Hue is now using the Ghost Portal and the new Tiers for membership. Clicking the header Login and Subscribe links will show up the Portal instead of going to the Login or Subscribe pages.
- Updated Ghost Deploy Action version
New files
Changed Files
gulpfile.js routes.yaml package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/header.hbs partials/page-upgrade-cta.hbs partials/subscribe-list.hbs .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml /locales/ (Copy all the `/locales/` folder and override your current theme one.)
The .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml
file is for the GitHub Deploy Action. It is part of the theme, but since the folder starts with a dot ( .github ) it might be hidden on your computer. No worries if you are not using GitHub for theme deployment.)
Deleted Files
members/account.hbs members/signin.hbs members/signup.hbs members/subscribe.hbs partials/signup-plans.hbs
------------ Version: 1.0.9 ------------ ❗ Please update to Ghost 4 first and then apply this version. [+] New: Ghost 4.0 Support - Fixing all compatibility issues - Support for the new Public Review content card [+] Update: The theme is now using Portal notifications instead of the built-in ones. In Ghost 4.0, membership becomes an essential part of Ghost and no longer a beta feature. Accordingly, the login/subscribe, and all membership browser notifications come from Portal whether Portal is enabled or not. So, when a person logins to the website, the theme will show a message, and Portal will show one. Using Portal notifications ensures all notification messages will be up to date with Ghost membership updates, eliminate the conflict while login in, subscribe, or update a person’s information. [+] Update: The paid membership plans are now public at /subscribe/, so a person can choose from them directly without subscribing first. Make sure to re-upload the updated routes.yaml file. If you want to show only a subscribe form, open theme file partials/header.hbs and on line 24 change /subscribe/ to /signup/. On the posting page, the call to action box button will direct to the subscribe page with membership plans if the post is Paid and direct to the /signup/ page if the post is for Members only. --- New Files: members/subscribe.hbs Deleted Files: partials/notifications.hbs assets/sass/components/_notifications.scss Changed Files: page.hbs post.hbs default.hbs error.hbs package-lock.json package.json routes.yaml assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/js/app.js assets/js/app.min.js assets/js/ghosthunter.js assets/sass/components/__all.scss assets/sass/components/_content.scss assets/sass/components/_archive.scss assets/sass/components/_member-plan.scss locales/ar.json locales/da.json locales/de.json locales/du.json locales/en.json locales/es.json locales/fi.json locales/fr.json locales/it.json locales/pt.json locales/tr.json members/account.hbs members/signin.hbs members/signup.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/header.hbs partials/hero.hbs partials/loop.hbs partials/page-upgrade-cta.hbs partials/post-card.hbs partials/signup-plans.hbs
------------ VERSION - 1.0.8 ------------ [+] Improve: Typography improvements for content elements (UL, OL) [+] Improve: Added outline to buttons for Accessibility [+] Improve: Color contrast for the subscribe notifications [+] Improve: Make subscribe forms input text full width in small screens. Thanks, Bhavesh! [+] Fix: Source code blocks background in dark mode [+] Improve: Source code blocks are now responsive. No text breaks, and now scrollable. Changed Files: package.json package-lock.json assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/sass/components/_buttons.scss assets/sass/components/_color-mode-btn.scss assets/sass/components/_content.scss assets/sass/components/_subscribe.scss assets/sass/elements/_code.scss assets/sass/settings/_colors-dark.scss assets/sass/settings/_colors.scss partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs
------------ VERSION - 1.0.7 ------------ [+] New: Added support for Ghost Secondary Navigation in the theme footer [+] Improve: Inter font loading performance Now, the font is served from Google Fonts CDN instead of loading the font locally [+] Improve: Membership text copywriting improvements. For example, `Log in` instead of `Log In` [+] Improve: ISO code for the Dutch language in search [+] Improve: Rename the Dutch language translation file name to nl.json instead of du.json [+] Improve: Used CSS `max-height` to control the logo image instead of `max-width` This makes resizing the logo more flexible. Consider reviewing your logo size after this update Docs: [+] Improve: Added explicit `width` and `height` attributes to images to avoid Cumulative Layout Shift [+] Update: NPM packages [+] Update: The tooltips CSS package to use the new repo (@primer/css) [+] Update: Deploy Ghost Theme Github action config file [+] Fix: Search date. Now using the published date instead of the created date New Files: partials/fonts.hbs assets/sass/components/_footer-nav.scss locales/nl.json Deleted Files: locales/du.json partials/teaser.hbs assets/sass/settings/_fonts.scss assets/fonts/inter/Inter-italic.var.woff2 assets/fonts/inter/Inter-roman.var.woff2 Changed Files: .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml .jshintignore assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/js/app.js assets/js/app.min.js assets/js/ghosthunter.js assets/sass/components/__all.scss assets/sass/components/_author.scss assets/sass/components/_footer-nav.scss assets/sass/components/_logo.scss assets/sass/components/_post-card.scss assets/sass/components/_post-hero.scss assets/sass/settings/__all.scss assets/sass/settings/_type.scss assets/sass/vendor/__all.scss author.hbs default.hbs gulpfile.js locales/ar.json locales/da.json locales/de.json locales/en.json locales/es.json locales/fi.json locales/fr.json locales/it.json locales/pt.json locales/tr.json members/signin.hbs members/signup.hbs package-lock.json package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/fonts.hbs partials/footer.hbs partials/header.hbs partials/hero-subscribe-form.hbs partials/hero.hbs partials/page-upgrade-cta.hbs partials/post-card.hbs partials/post-hero.hbs partials/post-meta.hbs partials/subscribe-list.hbs
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6 ------------ [+] Fix: Podcast number in podcast tag page. Thanks Ami! [====] Changed Files: default.hbs package-lock.json package.json tag.hbs [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5 ------------ [+] Improve: Content typography and embedded iframe improvements [+] Improve: Change the `Sign Up` label to `Subscribe` [+] Improve: Remove white background from Twitter and Instagram embeds [+] Fix: Commento MARKDOWN preview styling issues [====] Changed Files: assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/sass/components/_alerts.scss assets/sass/components/_content.scss assets/sass/components/_kg-card.scss assets/sass/components/_post-hero.scss assets/sass/elements/_blockquote.scss assets/sass/elements/_type.scss assets/sass/vendor/__all.scss locales/ar.json locales/da.json locales/de.json locales/du.json locales/en.json locales/es.json locales/fi.json locales/fr.json locales/it.json locales/pt.json locales/tr.json members/signup.hbs package-lock.json package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/header.hbs post.hbs [====] [====] New Files: assets/sass/vendor/_commento.scss [====] [====] Deleted Files: assets/css/dark-min-rtl.css assets/css/dark-min.css assets/css/dark.min.css assets/css/style.min.css [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4 ------------ [+] Fix: Twitter card width. [+] Fix: Gulp zip script to include hidden files that are used in and help in development mode. Thanks, Daniel! [+] Fix: Episode counter script console for non-home pages. [+] Fix: Account page Cancel subscription button style. [+] Improve: Add loading indicator for Subscribe page buttons. This will improve the people experience as the connection between Ghost and Stripe might take a second. This will also remove the confusion that clicking the button didn't work from the first time. Thanks, Angus! [====] Changed Files: assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/sass/components/_buttons.scss assets/sass/components/_kg-card.scss author.hbs default.hbs gulpfile.js package-lock.json package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs tag.hbs [====] [====] New Files: ---- NOTE: These are files are used in and help in development mode. Not adding them will not affect how the theme works in your blog. They will be invisible by default. If you are using Mac, press (Command + Shift + .) to show them. If you opened the theme in your code editor, you should see them fine. ---- .editorconfig .gitignore .jshintignore .jshintrc [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3 ------------ [+] Improve: Post text readability [+] Fix: Header space issue in small screens [====] Changed Files: assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/sass/components/_content.scss assets/sass/components/_header.scss package-lock.json package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2 ------------ [+] Improve: Accessibility [+] Improve: Change membership titles to H1 [+] New: Added integration with Deploy Ghost Theme Github action [+] New: Added gulp zip command to easily zip the theme [+] New: Added Turkish translation. Thanks to S.Furkan Teke! [+] Fix: Load more text typo [+] Fix: Prevent post cards from expanding to full width of only one card is available [+] Fix: Content image alignments for small images [+] Fix: Alerts elements design when empty [+] Fix: Post hero meta alignment when there is no image in small screen [====] Changed Files: assets/css/style-min-rtl.css assets/css/style-min.css assets/js/app.min.js assets/sass/components/__all.scss assets/sass/components/_kg-card.scss assets/sass/components/_notifications.scss assets/sass/components/_post-card.scss assets/sass/components/_post-hero.scss assets/sass/settings/_colors.scss assets/sass/trumps/__all.scss assets/sass/objects/_grid.scss default.hbs gulpfile.js locales/ar.json locales/da.json locales/de.json locales/du.json locales/en.json locales/es.json locales/fi.json locales/fr.json locales/it.json locales/pt.json locales/tr.json partials/post-card.hbs members/account.hbs members/signin.hbs members/signup.hbs package-lock.json package.json partials/compiled/inline-css-rtl.hbs partials/compiled/inline-css.hbs partials/notifications.hbs partials/pagination.hbs partials/post-hero.hbs page.hbs post.hbs partials/search-form.hbs partials/subscribe-list.hbs [====] [====] New Files: locales/tr.json assets/sass/components/_alerts.scss .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml [====] [====] Deleted Files: assets/sass/trumps/_alerts.scss [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1 ------------ [+] New: Added member subscription information into Account page [+] New: Added dark mode [+] New: Add lazy loading for hero icons [+] Improve: Change page titles to H1 for SEO [+] Improve: Used Inter variable font [+] Improve: Increase logo image size [+] Fix: Twitter card width in mobile screen [====] Changed Files: It is recommended to use this version as a starting point, as some of the theme code is rewritten from scratch to support the dark mode verison and a lot of files has changed. [====]
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0 ------------ [+] Initial Release
Have any questions? Contact Ahmad