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How to Download and Upload Ghost CMS Images on DigitalOcean

You can download and upload your Ghost CMS images folder using the command line. I assume you can already locally access your DigitalOcean Ghost droplet from the command line from your computer.

I will use the SCP command-line tool. SCP term is shorthand for secure copy. It allows to securely transfer of files between a remote server and a local machine. In our case, it will copy the images from the Ghost server to the local computer and vice versa.

Zip Images Folder

The first step for downloading the images is to log in to your DigitalOcean Ghost server and zip the images folder.

Login to your DigitalOcean remote server with your droplet IP address.

Replace with your IP.

ssh root@

Go to the Ghost installation content path.

cd /var/www/ghost/content/

Zip the images folder using the zip command.

zip -r images

You may need to install the zip command tool if it is unavailable on your server. The command line will check whether the zip tool is available or not and then give you instructions to install it if it is not available.

Now, you have the file ready for download.

Working with SCP

The SCP command needs two parameters, the first is the remote location file path, and the second is the local path.


In our case, the remote path will be something like this:


And the local bath, for example, will be on my desktop.


Download Images

Combining the previous parameters, you can use the following command to download the images zipped file.

scp root@ /Users/ahmadajmi/Desktop

Upload Images

The other scenario is to upload the images from your local machine to the remote server; you can use the same concept. Flip the parameters to make the local path comes first and then the remote path last.

So, I assume the is on the desktop; the upload command will be.

scp /Users/ahmadajmi/Desktop/ root@

Unzip Images

After uploading the to the remote server, you can use the unzip command to unzip it.

unzip -o

That’s all I wanted to share today, and I hope you find this post helpful.

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